Man, I really hate when I wait so long in between my blog posts. I never know where to start. So much happens around here daily that I just couldn't go thru them all. Nor could I remember all of it if my life depended on it. Seriously losing gobs of brain cells by the hour. Sometimes, it's so bad, I can't even form a sentence when speaking to another adult. My mind just goes blank. It's an awful feeling! I have aged years over the last 3 months. I'm gaining weight and losing my mind, simultaneously. But, of course, it's all worth it in the end. So, enough about my dwindling brain cells and growing pants size. On to some serious cuteness, starting with Baby Eddie.
Baby Eddie is growing by leaps and bounds! He is in the chubby faze. So love this part of babyhood. (babyhood?) I remember Dominick going thru the same growth spurt. Eddie's cheeks are all filled out, totally plump and juicy and ready to nibble. Oh, and I nibble, let me tell you. He is just honestly the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. I'm not just saying that because he is mine, he really is gorgeous. See, I know Dominick was .... well, let me just say NOT as beautiful as a baby? ha, he looked like a little monkey! SERIOUSLY. take a look:

See? I told you! Ha, I have no idea WHERE time went or HOW this little monkey turned into the screaming, tantrum throwing, whiney, yet totally handsome toddler that now rules my house, my sleep and my sanity. It happened when I wasn't looking. One day he was this little itty bitty, the next he was talking in sentences and using the potty! What!? Well, I guess I can now say it's official. Dominick uses the potty like a big boy. He hasn't had a pee pee accident in almost a week, his unders or pull ups stay totally dry and he uses the potty on his own when he feels the urge. It's incredible to me. I have only one thing to thank for this miracle. STICKERS. Holy heck, what is it about stickers that is so magical??? The first few days he would pee every 5 minutes, just to get that magical little sticker. Or, maybe it was to watch Mommy make a total fool of herself as she danced around the kitchen like a maniac? Perhaps a little of both. These little pieces of gooey gold have also helped with getting in the car. The process of loading the boys into the car became war time around here. That is until I introduced the Yo Gabba Gabba "Be A Good Boy & Get In Your Damned Car Seat" chart. All of a sudden, all I have to say is "you want a sticker? Then be a good boy and sit in your seat please" and it was like he would wake up from his tantrum coma and be that perfect little boy that got lost in there somewhere. So, yeah, STICKERS ARE MAGIC! And, yes, Dominick is OCD. Well, not seriously. I don't think, although, maybe? ha. He has taken to a whole new form of...I don't know what, independence maybe? Every single little task that needs to be done in this house has to first be attempted by Dominick. If I try to, how dare I, close the refrigerator door, he will be throwing a tantrum behind me "DOMINICK DO IT!" It was cute at first, now it's just out of control. It's literally everything and totally exhausting. Aside from that, his new thing is .... I can't even explain it. If we are walking to the bathroom or from the bathroom, or anywhere he will have to go back to the furthest wall and "start" there. Even if that's not where we started from. It's kinda nutty, and again...exhausting! I now am a step ahead of him and just automatically go back to the furthest wall before taking his hand to do anything. This probably is just feeding into the nutso behavior, but it saves me a lot of tantrum throwing time.
Look what happened, I was supposed to be talking about Eddie, and I totally went off babbling. Eddie is doing great, I am so grateful for his health, oh and for his AWESOME sleep habits. Yay for sleeping thru the night since he was 2 months old! Well, I've used up all my Mommy time, nap time is over for big boy, and just about to start for the itty bitty.
Thanks for stopping by!!