Ah, September is finally over. Good riddance to you. I hate September, it's one of those months that just make me feel like I'm 12 years old again. And not in the good way.
Today was pretty much uneventful. Eat, play, sleep. Repeat. I can't wait til the weather cools off so we can go for afternoon walks to the park. Just getting out of the house is nice, but it just didn't happen today. Considering I did next to nothing today, I am pretty damned tired. I think I may actually go to bed early tonight, for real. I always say that but hate to give up my "me" time while Dominick is in bed. Eh, there's always tomorrow.
Since nothing big happened today I will share some pics and a video I took of Dominick trying to clap his hands. Gotta love it, he is just too darned cute!
Dominick decided he wanted my straw. He used it like a big boy and got a few sips of water, then decided it was his! |
At the end of the night my little munchkin was super mushy so I sopped up every second of it! We read a couple books and he even lay his head on my chest. It was a very tender moment. It's not often that he isn't on the go, too busy to snuggle with Mama! |
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