Today Baby Eddie is 2 months old. Of course, being so busy all the time, I forgot to take his monthly picture. I wonder where the days go, they just fly by. Eddie is doing great! He started smiling, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I am not sure if that is the reason, but I have been feeling so upbeat and happy lately. I am in a very positive state of mind. Seeing this several times a day does not hurt:

I look at that face and all my fears are just melted away. I can handle anything that comes our way, as long as I have these eyes, that smile, those cheeks to look at every day. I was taking full advantage of Dominick's nap time yesterday, spending valuable one on one time with Eddie. I will do anything, say anything and make the most ridiculous sounds to coax that smile that I love so much out of him. Sitting on the recliner I swear he and I had a conversation without words. I would coo at him and make a silly face and he would look at me, almost into my heart and smile back at me. He was starting to move his mouth and make little cooing noises right back at me that just filled my heart with utter joy. My fears had started to subside before this, but this conversation between my Eddie and me have absolutely absolved them completely. He was looking at me and telling me how amazing and special he is. Nothing else matters. He is perfect, absolutely, the way he is. He was brought to me, to us for a reason. I know now more than ever that I will do ANYTHING for this little angel. I cannot wait to start therapies with him, to watch him grow and learn and flourish and to step up to the plate and challenge him in any way I can. He is going to be brilliant! He is going to be amazing, he already is. I look to the future with hope and excitement now. I cannot wait for the rest of our lives.
Aww! Look at his smile! So sweet! I'm so glad you had some time with Eddie and get to where you are now. He really is amazing! :)
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