Friday, September 30, 2011

Starting To Panic!

So, Sunday I will be 32 weeks pregnant with my L'il Turkey.  32 weeks, that right there is enough to make any normal person panic...right? Well, I was just sitting here thinking about everything that will happen and has to happen within the next 2 + months. OK, I am making my heart pound just thinking about it.  Now, bare with me here because I think I may need to make a quick list.  Feel free to bail if you want, I think I am doing this more for my own mommy/pregnant brain than for your entertainment anyway. If I don't write it down somewhere, something is liable to get missed! AAAH

  • Pick out and order nursery furniture
  • Pick out colors and paint nursery
  • Decorate (curtains and misc) nursery
  • Go thru all Dominick's old clothes, separating by size then wash them all  (this one is totally stressing me out)
  • Brainstorm on a costume for Dominick
  • Order/Buy said costume
  • Find the PERFECT coming home outfit for the Turk
  • Order Dominick's 2nd birthday party supplies, if I do it before Oct 7th I think I get 30% off!!
  • Maybe, probably not, decorate for Halloween
  • Shop for last minute baby supplies (mostly just pump accessories and new Baba's and nipples)
  • After Turkey comes order Birth Announcements
  • Christmas and 2nd Birthday shopping 
AAAAAH!  Oh, and maybe picking out a name for this little guy should make it on the list, eh?  Actually, I may have chosen his name today, but I have to wait for Steve to wake up to discuss it.  I am fairly optimistic that he will like it.  Or, at the very least, not HATE it.

OK, I need to take a deep breathe here and relax, all these things will get done....right? 

Now, from Baby #2 to Baby #1 . .  . Ah, what to say.  He is the best friend I've ever had, the light and sunshine of my every day (and night)  I am absolutely amazed by him at least 100 times a day.  He is saying, learning and doing something new constantly.  It's such a gift to be able to watch him learning and growing.  Of course, I am convinced he is THE SMARTEST 21 month old to ever live, but, I haven't really known too many 21 month olds, to be honest.  I am always saying to myself, and often out loud to whomever will listen "Did you see that?"  "OMG, he is so smart" "Wait, is he supposed to KNOW that already?"  He can put all his alphabets puzzle letters in their correct spots, just by me saying the word associated with it (B is for Basket)!  Ok, so that's normal? Maybe, who cares, he's awesome!!  The other day (and I have a witness) he picked up the G and said Grapes! I was like WHOA.  Well, you get the gist of it, I'm the proudest Mama in the world.  He cracks me up with his little dances and hysterical faces, he's definitely quirky, and I love it!

Break time is over, the prince has awaken from his nap.  Wish me luck on my To Do list! I just know I will think of at least 10 more things before I go to bed tonight!