Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's been so long. (How long is it?)...

..that I forgot my blogs name!  That's pitiful.  I don't know why I wait so long in between posts.  Too much has happened.  I feel like I start every post with that exact sentence.  Oh well, let's just start with today and I will try to post once a week.  Once a month would even be better than what's been going on! 

So, what's going on?  Here's the thing...things must have been going pretty ok for me to have let 4 months fly by without writing.  When I am really stressed, that's when I need to write.  It clears my head.  Well, stressed is an understatement.  Even as I sit here my heart is palpitating.  I don't recognize myself.  I have lost all coping mechanisms. Maybe I never had any and I was just never this challenged?  Either way.  Dominick has become a monster child.  I love him more than words, but I do not love his recent behavior.  It's gotten so bad that I am having anxiety attacks several times a day.  He whines and cries all day.  He tries to control every single thing and situation, he REFUSES to nap, even tho he is exhausted, and now he has started throwing fits at bed time too. Ok, so we have had nap issues for a few months.  But, he always at least had quiet time in his room.  Never has it effected bedtime tho.  Until this week.  And when I say tantrums, I mean "should I call the doctor" kind of tantrums.  Stomach curdling, blood boiling, total insane patient screaming. Just flat out refusing to go to his room. I have never experienced such a thing in my life.  I have been bothering the hell out of my friends, between complaining, venting and begging for help, it's just out of control.  I don't know what happened, maybe it has something to do with his schedule going out of whack in NY (Although, does that also explain the controlling behavior?) I really think that the bedtime issue is also about him wanting to control every situation.  It's a lose lose scenario.  By 4-5pm this kid is so beyond tired that he is a walking zombie crazy person.  This is even before dinner.  By bedtime it's just mayhem.  No matter how I try to distract, coerce, bribe or trick him into going to bed, the moment we hit the stairs he starts.  Screaming, kicking, crying.  He cries so bad that he loses his voice, can't breathe and can barely open his eyes.  It's mind blowing.  It's driving me I N S A N E.  Man, just describing it doesn't do it justice.  I'm tempted to attach the video I took.  Yes, I took a video - to show him in 15 years!

Well, I started this blog this afternoon.  Of course I didn't have time to finish it, how dare even attempt to sit down for 5 minutes.  Anyway, after saying all that and getting myself all worked up in knots for two days, guess who went to bed without a hitch tonight? Peaceful as can be even.  I have to thank Dada for that tho.  It seems like we balance eachother out JUST right.  When I'm a knotted up ball of stress, he's as cool as a cucumber and vice versa.  (for the most part, the most important parts, anyway)  It's a good feeling knowing that I can lose my cool and somebody will bring me back to reality with just the right amount of patience and good humor.  Thank you, Love.

So, that's what's new on the Dominick front.  Here's what's doing with Baby Eddie:

He's AWESOME!! haha, seriously tho.  Just this week alone he has hit TWO milestones.  TWO.  He's sitting up unsupported *with just a pillow to catch him if he falls* Just today he's starting to really get his hands out to catch himself, which is huge. We've been working on this in therapy for a long time.  AND he's been crawling.  Well, ok, backwards, but it's so exciting to see him trying to reach for something.  Stinks that he's going the wrong way and gets frustrated because of it, still exciting and adorable tho! 

Also, coming in just 2+ months we have the Walk for Down Syndrome! So excited about this.  I am going to dedicate another post just to this and to our amazing friends, the Romero's.  We have been absolutely blessed to have found them and can't imagine taking this journey, or "walk" withouth them.  More to come on that.....

Wait, what the heck am I doing sitting here?!!? The house is silent as can be, I must go enjoy it.  Who knows how long it will last?!?!