..that I forgot my blogs name! That's pitiful. I don't know why I wait so long in between posts. Too much has happened. I feel like I start every post with that exact sentence. Oh well, let's just start with today and I will try to post once a week. Once a month would even be better than what's been going on!
So, what's going on? Here's the thing...things must have been going pretty ok for me to have let 4 months fly by without writing. When I am really stressed, that's when I need to write. It clears my head. Well, stressed is an understatement. Even as I sit here my heart is palpitating. I don't recognize myself. I have lost all coping mechanisms. Maybe I never had any and I was just never this challenged? Either way. Dominick has become a monster child. I love him more than words, but I do not love his recent behavior. It's gotten so bad that I am having anxiety attacks several times a day. He whines and cries all day. He tries to control every single thing and situation, he REFUSES to nap, even tho he is exhausted, and now he has started throwing fits at bed time too. Ok, so we have had nap issues for a few months. But, he always at least had quiet time in his room. Never has it effected bedtime tho. Until this week. And when I say tantrums, I mean "should I call the doctor" kind of tantrums. Stomach curdling, blood boiling, total insane patient screaming. Just flat out refusing to go to his room. I have never experienced such a thing in my life. I have been bothering the hell out of my friends, between complaining, venting and begging for help, it's just out of control. I don't know what happened, maybe it has something to do with his schedule going out of whack in NY (Although, does that also explain the controlling behavior?) I really think that the bedtime issue is also about him wanting to control every situation. It's a lose lose scenario. By 4-5pm this kid is so beyond tired that he is a walking zombie crazy person. This is even before dinner. By bedtime it's just mayhem. No matter how I try to distract, coerce, bribe or trick him into going to bed, the moment we hit the stairs he starts. Screaming, kicking, crying. He cries so bad that he loses his voice, can't breathe and can barely open his eyes. It's mind blowing. It's driving me I N S A N E. Man, just describing it doesn't do it justice. I'm tempted to attach the video I took. Yes, I took a video - to show him in 15 years!
Well, I started this blog this afternoon. Of course I didn't have time to finish it, how dare even attempt to sit down for 5 minutes. Anyway, after saying all that and getting myself all worked up in knots for two days, guess who went to bed without a hitch tonight? Peaceful as can be even. I have to thank Dada for that tho. It seems like we balance eachother out JUST right. When I'm a knotted up ball of stress, he's as cool as a cucumber and vice versa. (for the most part, the most important parts, anyway) It's a good feeling knowing that I can lose my cool and somebody will bring me back to reality with just the right amount of patience and good humor. Thank you, Love.
So, that's what's new on the Dominick front. Here's what's doing with Baby Eddie:
He's AWESOME!! haha, seriously tho. Just this week alone he has hit TWO milestones. TWO. He's sitting up unsupported *with just a pillow to catch him if he falls* Just today he's starting to really get his hands out to catch himself, which is huge. We've been working on this in therapy for a long time. AND he's been crawling. Well, ok, backwards, but it's so exciting to see him trying to reach for something. Stinks that he's going the wrong way and gets frustrated because of it, still exciting and adorable tho!
Also, coming in just 2+ months we have the Walk for Down Syndrome! So excited about this. I am going to dedicate another post just to this and to our amazing friends, the Romero's. We have been absolutely blessed to have found them and can't imagine taking this journey, or "walk" withouth them. More to come on that.....
Wait, what the heck am I doing sitting here?!!? The house is silent as can be, I must go enjoy it. Who knows how long it will last?!?!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
It's been so long. (How long is it?)...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Stickers Are Magic! And Dominick is OCD
Man, I really hate when I wait so long in between my blog posts. I never know where to start. So much happens around here daily that I just couldn't go thru them all. Nor could I remember all of it if my life depended on it. Seriously losing gobs of brain cells by the hour. Sometimes, it's so bad, I can't even form a sentence when speaking to another adult. My mind just goes blank. It's an awful feeling! I have aged years over the last 3 months. I'm gaining weight and losing my mind, simultaneously. But, of course, it's all worth it in the end. So, enough about my dwindling brain cells and growing pants size. On to some serious cuteness, starting with Baby Eddie.
Baby Eddie is growing by leaps and bounds! He is in the chubby faze. So love this part of babyhood. (babyhood?) I remember Dominick going thru the same growth spurt. Eddie's cheeks are all filled out, totally plump and juicy and ready to nibble. Oh, and I nibble, let me tell you. He is just honestly the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. I'm not just saying that because he is mine, he really is gorgeous. See, I know Dominick was .... well, let me just say NOT as beautiful as a baby? ha, he looked like a little monkey! SERIOUSLY. take a look:
Look what happened, I was supposed to be talking about Eddie, and I totally went off babbling. Eddie is doing great, I am so grateful for his health, oh and for his AWESOME sleep habits. Yay for sleeping thru the night since he was 2 months old! Well, I've used up all my Mommy time, nap time is over for big boy, and just about to start for the itty bitty.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The "r" Word
So much goes on in a day in my life, that to blog about it all would bore you to tears. Right now I just want to focus on something I can't seem to shake. The "r" word. Retard. Retarded. I've used this word so many times and never once thought a thing of it. Now, everything is different and I am having an internal conflict. I have slipped and used it even just today. As soon as it comes out of my mouth my heart sinks. The word has a whole new meaning now and part of me doesn't even want to accept it. I can't even decide if I'm actually offended by the word, or not. I've never said or meant it in an offensive way to someone with an actual disability and I've been wracking my brain trying to think of a similar word or phrase to compare it to. Maybe that's because I've never known anyone it actually applied to, in the literal sense. It's just something I say, without thought and without cruel intentions. I know that a lot of people, parents, in my shoes are so offended by it that they are outraged. Maybe they've just been at it longer than me? Maybe I just can't bring myself to admit that this could be true of my precious angel. Yeah, that's definitely it, or at least a huge part of it. More than huge. Denial. Denial. Denial. Does anyone mind if I live here, just a little longer? Thoughts? Opinions? Advice? Just a quick snippet of what goes on in my mind. I have the hubby home on a rare Wednesday night, so I'm gonna go back to hubby time.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
2 Months and More Pictures!
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Eddie @ 2 Months with Brobee for comparison |
Speaking of big brothers, I am thinking I may need to figure out how to make separate tabs, one for each of my boys because since Eddie was born I feel like Dominick is getting lost in the shuffle. Well, not around here, but in my blog posts. Around here he is VERY much the (shared) center of our universe. He is talking up a storm, talking so much that he'd rather lay in his crib and talk to himself than nap. I think he is just too smart for his own good. My hunch is that he doesn't know how to turn his brain off long enough to rest it. Looks like it'll be permanent early bedtime around here for him. Hey, I am NOT complaining. By 7pm I am ex*haust*ed and gladly welcome some peace and quiet *and a minute to pee would be nice too*... of course, flash forward to about an hour later and there I am on the couch, ipad in hand watching the videos I took that day because I miss the little booger. Pathetic.
Nighttime around here is a little too easy actually, with the exception of juggling a newborn while trying to bath a 2 year old - that I still have yet to master - but actual bedtime routines are going well. Baby Eddie is on a nightly Tubby*Massage*Swaddle routine, throw in a few bounces and pats on the butt, he's down for the count! I've even transitioned him to his own crib. WHAT? I didn't do this with Dominick until he was 5 months old, but, hey if it works, work it! He will stay asleep for a good 4-7 hours before he is looking for a midnight snack. This gives Mommy time to - ugh - CLEAN THE KITCHEN!? Even with the much welcome time to myself at night, I still cannot relax with a dirty kitchen, not to mention living/playroom. It seems by the time I sit down it's more like dropping like a load of bricks. And I wouldn't change it for anything.
Ok, that's my update for today! But because I just love to take photos, I will leave you with a photo montage of a week in my life. Enjoy :)
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Happy Birthday Mama! |
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Sweet Dreams. Precious Angel |
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Pants. Off. Dance. Off. |
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Marker Time! |
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Sneaking A Seat In Big Brother's Chair! |
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Let's Go Giants! Letting A Very Overtired Boy Stay Up Late To Pound On Tables And Yell GIANTS At The Top Of His Lungs. So Worth It! |
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Must Capture Every Sweet Moment Possible, They Go By Way Too Fast! |
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Sweetest Face |
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
2 Months!
Today Baby Eddie is 2 months old. Of course, being so busy all the time, I forgot to take his monthly picture. I wonder where the days go, they just fly by. Eddie is doing great! He started smiling, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I am not sure if that is the reason, but I have been feeling so upbeat and happy lately. I am in a very positive state of mind. Seeing this several times a day does not hurt: