So, it's been a long while since I've blogged. My life is so busy and crazy sometimes that I forget to pee and remember hours later. Yeah. That actually happened yesterday.
Something about the holidays is getting my emotions all stirred up. I feel like I'm constantly in panic mode lately. I could cry at the drop of a hat. When I get like this, two things happen: I get overwhelmed and become paralyzed and I start to dwell on the negative. Today I am feeling the reality that eddie is now two and still not bearing any weight on his legs. Eddie has to have therapies several times a week, and the scheduling of those therapies alone can send me into a tailspin, leaving me curled in a ball in my bed. With that thought comes immense guilt. The mommy guilt times a million. I just do not do enough for him. I should be on the floor with him, helping him, pushing him. Instead I am stuck in the mindset that he will do it when he's ready. Sure, that's partly true, but the reality is that he needs me. He needs to be constantly challenged and assisted in order to become strong enough to withstand his own weight. There are days, like today, where I feel like an awful mother. I think everyone thinks of me as this perfect mom because I am always posting about his accomplishments. The truth is, I may be a great mom, but I am far from perfect. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself. Maybe I'm not being hard enough. I need to suck up this feeling and kick my ass into gear again. Since our vacation to NY I have been stalled. Not only with Eddie, but my own fitness is being effected as well. I have lost the drive I had just a month ago. I keep saying I will start over in the new year. It's just an excuse to put off my own health and fitness. I just wish I knew what it is going to take to snap me out of this rut. Maybe putting it out into the world will do it. I could go on for days about all the other things taking up space in my mind and heart, but I'll leave it at that for now. Anyway. Say a little prayer for me, please.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Calling all friends and family!
I just want to quickly throw this out there, this may get long. I apologize in advance. Something happened tonight that got me thinking. I went 35+ years never knowing anyone with Down syndrome. I've heard of it, seen people with it, but it never had any connection to make with it emotionally. Obviously, that's changed, duh. And because of Eddie, those of you, my friends and family now DO HAVE that connection. You have a face to connect to, a smile that comes to mind, a tiny human being you can now relate to. An image of Eddie, so beautiful, pure, innocent and sweet to conjure up when someone mentions ds, or worse, tries to blindly make fun of. I have a very personal favor to ask of you all. Can you please help me advocate and stand up for kids like Eddie with Down syndrome or any special needs? I realize how it could easily roll off the backs of someone not affected or connected to someone like Eddie. But, that's not us anymore. Eddie has changed everything for me. I'm no longer just a mommy. I'm a "special needs" mommy. I'm my sons first advocate, but hopefully not his only one. Eddie has given me more gifts and blessings than I dare to count. It makes me so happy that he can touch your life, in even the smallest way. So please help me spread the love!! Eddie and I thank you!!