Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I am sitting here, literally on the edge of my seat (my bed actually), anxiously waiting for the clock to say 8:00 so we can all hop in the car and head to the airport! Uncle Eddie arrives at 8:52!! It's been a looooong time coming.  It is going to be an amazing weekend watching my brother meet my son for the first time.  I cannot wait to see them play together! I wish Aunt Jaime could be here this weekend for his birthday party also!  We spent the past day clearing out the cobwebs in the guest room and doing some MUCH needed dusting in preparation.  We also got a Christmas tree that we will all decorate Friday.  It's going to be an awesome weekend, ending with Dominick's First Birthday Bash on Sunday!! I am all prepared and all I have to do now is decorate and have fun!!!  I will post pics of tree trimming and birthday celebrating next week! 

YAAAAAAAAY!!! it's 7:49, almost time!!!!


Mommy Tay said...

How Exciting! Hope you have a blast with your brother and you guys have a great time decorating the tree and birthday partying it up :)