Thursday, December 9, 2010

Time Flies

First of all, I have been getting way too spoiled by the little man.  He hasn't gotten out of bed before 9am in at least a week.  Today he was up at 8:30, was singing and talking to himself and must have fallen back asleep.  Meanwhile, 2 hours later I get a phone call and realize it's 10:30! 10:30!  So I send hubby in there to check him.  This is what he finds:
(by the way, this was supposed to be a picture, but we had it on the wrong setting)  Dominick had fallen asleep with his face mashed between the bars of the crib! My poor Monka!  He had indents in his face for at least an hour after waking up.  I am still in shock that I got to sleep til 10:30! this morning.  Fascinating! haha.  We'll see what happens tomorrow morning!

I've been so stressed these past few days.  So much to do before my brother comes next week.  Finally got my Christmas decorations out and managed to decorate the front windows.  I still have to do outside, but it's after midnight and this is the first time I've sat down since I rocked Dominick to sleep at 8.  Why is it that every year I feel like I don't have enough decorations? Last year I must have spent about $300 on decorations and I can't figure out where they all are.  It doesn't help that half of them are either staying in the box or just thrown in random places because they can't go anywhere within reach of the Monka-Maniac!  We, well I, decided to put the tree in the front game room instead of the living room.  It will still be up, but it will be out of the way of the monster.  Also, I always loved the look of a Christmas tree through the window from outside.  Now I get to do it!

We FINALLY got a gate for the stairs.  I bitched and complained, whined and moaned about it for so long and now that the one I "had to have" is finally here and installed....I hate it. haha Well, hate is a strong word.  It's just slightly pissing me off.  The molding on the bottom of the wall is in the way of opening and shutting it smoothly.  They sell a spacer for such things, but we didn't order it.  On top of that, because it's mesh the top seems a bit flimsy to me.  I knew it would have a little give - but this seems like too much.  Maybe I'm just too nervous?  Here, take a look for yourself.  :

So Far, So Good..Right?

Maybe Not?!
 I called the company and they said it's "normal" to have some give.  I guess I expected more for $150.  I read a hundred reviews and they all were great and none of them mentioned this problem.  Maybe it's only a problem for me.  I do seem to be stressing way easier than usual lately.  I have a hunch it's because I stopped nursing.  Dang hormones can really mess with ya!  Now, I just wish someone would explain it to my hubby.  I have been freaking out about any little thing that goes wrong or not as planned and then the freaking out makes him react defensively, which stresses me out even more.  I should just start my morning with a swig or two of wine, that would help.  Ha, I kid, but I would be lying if I said I didn't think about it!

Ok, hubby is sick and in bed.  He actually called in to work for about the 2nd time in 7 years.  It will be nice to not go to bed alone tonight.  

Sweet Dreams Friends!


Jenny said...

I can't believe how these little guys fall asleep! LOL! To cute! The gate looks good, if it were at the top of the stairs I'd be nervous.
Do you have a zombie dog?? LOL!