Thursday, December 9, 2010


Whoa, it's 9pm and I'm actually ready to sit down and veg on the couch.  Sure, the kitchen is a bit messy, but the dishes are least.  I can quickly get it straightened out in the morning, easy peasy.  I spent the past hour FINALLY decorating the front of the house.  I feel so good to have it done.  The only thing missing now is the tree.  We will be getting one Tuesday and decorating it Thursday with my brother.  That will be so much fun.  It's cutting it a bit close to Christmas, but I really love the idea of trimming the tree with my munchkin and my big brother.  I plan on making Tiffany's candy cane cookie special for the event! I really look forward to it.  I actually found out today that my brother will be staying until Tuesday the 21st, which is Dominick's actual birthday.  I am psyched about that.  He will be here to open presents in the morning and have a birthday breakfast with the little man!!!!  YAAY

Well, my coffee is brewed and hot and the donuts in the pantry are calling my name.  Time to lounge on the couch and chilllllllllllllll