Thursday, December 22, 2011


Today was Day One of the rest of my life.  Reality has hit me hard.  Daddy went back to work last night, leaving us to fend for ourselves today while Daddy sleeps.  Done this a million times with Dominick, not a problem. . .today? Problem.  I feel like today lasted a hundred years.  A hundred AWFUL years.  I've been crying all day.  I am completely,  physically and emotionally exhausted.  I could sit here and give you the ins and outs of the day, but I'm sure you could imagine.  A teething 2 year old and a newborn.  Add to that our first trip out of the house, just the 3 of us = hysterical 4 week old and a temper tantrum in the pediatricians parking lot.  It was ugly and embarrassing.  But hey, it happens.  I know I am not the only new mother to 2 to have gone through something similar, I get that.  Today tho, today was not just that.  For some reason today, on top of all the typical, to be expected stress I have also been overwhelmed with grief.  Grief in so many forms I can't even process it.  I find myself returning to the Down Syndrome birth board for comfort then breaking down crying with the weight of it all.  I am stuck in this in between world.  I have yet to uncover my new reality.  I cannot help but fear the future.  As hard as I try to stay positive, I just can't let go of the pain in my heart.  I have had so many kind and amazing words from family, friends and even strangers to help me see that everything will be ok. I know it will.  My head does, my heart is still in denial. I love my little angel with all my heart.  Sometimes tho, like today,  I think back to just a few short weeks ago and I wish I could go back there, where things seemed so manageable and hopeful.  I would lay on the couch rubbing my baby belly and envision our whole lives.  Who did I think I was?  Now everything just feels so out of control and just flat out scary.  All these fears and feelings of grief have made today so much worse than it needed to be.  I try to imagine what today would have been like if we never got that diagnosis a few weeks ago.  Would it have been any less crazy, scary and frustrating.  The answer is yes, I would have been the old me, the one with all the patience in the world.  The old me that hasn't had to live with these scary emotions for the past month.  I would have been more than up for the challenge.  The new me, not so much.  Will I ever be that person again?  I feel terrible for even feeling that way.  I know, or I hope that someday soon I will look back on today (and probably tomorrow and the day after) and say "what was my problem"??  I long for that day, the day of acceptance and peace.  Until then I only find it in bits and pieces.  I am scared.  My heart hurts.  I never was very good at accepting change or letting go.  I wish I could just let it all go, accept one day at a time and find the patience I so desperately need right now, but today is not that day.  I suppose I need to give myself time to let things become normal, but the more I try to tell myself that, the more my heart hurts with the loss of what that normal was supposed to be.  I am grieving all over again.  Maybe this will happen in many stages.  Maybe every time something comes up that I had so foolishly thought I had mapped out I will feel like this.  I hope not.  I hope eventually these feelings of grief and mourning will pass.  Is it possible to have some sort of combination of the life I dreamed of and the one I am living?  I don't want this to sound like I love my son any less because I could not possibly love him more.  He is the sweetest little being you'll ever meet.  Just writing that made me feel better.  My homework assignment for tomorrow: Every time I feel a twinge of sadness I will look into my sweet baby's eyes or watch him sleep peacefully and let his light shine on me.  He deserves a Mommy who can be in the here and now, not in the could and would have been. 

My eyes hurt,  my head hurts, my heart hurts.  I will go rest them all now so I can be the Mommy I need to be tomorrow.  Wish me luck.


holly26socal said...

My heart hurts for you as well. So far though it seems like you're, I wouldn't say dealing with but more managing things as best you can. I'm sure the writing helps heal some. Have you considered a counselor for PTSD not that it is that severe but just someone with experience to help guide you through your feelings. I hope your having a better day today. X's & O's for Baby Eddie