Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

Happy New Year!  A friend of mine who also has a December baby made a point yesterday that I thought was interesting.  Dominick is only 1 year old, but this is the 3rd year he's seen.  I thought that was really cool!! 
I haven't posted in a while, I was so busy with my brother and sister in town for the baby's birthday party, then Christmas, now we have a friend of hubby's in town for a week.  The only good thing about so many visitors is it forces me to keep the house clean.  I don't mind, I need the extra push sometimes and I actually enjoy cleaning once I start.  It's the starting that bogs me down most of the time. 
I'm so sad the holiday season is over and my little baby is officially a toddler.  I know this upcoming year will bring with it many, many wonders and joys, but I still feel heavy hearted about saying goodbye to my itty bitty.  He is becoming more and more like a little boy by the minute!  He's a little happy ham!!  I'm so proud to be his Mama.  I am looking forward to his first steps (I think) and his first sentence and all the firsts that follow!!
I have a prayer for the new year that I send out every night, and often during the day as well.  I pray that my puppy, Reggie is ok and that the seizures he's been having are not a sign of something more serious.  The dr's don't think it is epilepsy this late in his life, but they aren't ruling it out.  They say it is more likely cancer/tumor, but that's not 100% either.  In order to try to find out I'd have to take him in for extensive, and expensive tests.  Reggie is too much of a wimp to put him through all that, especially if in the long run nothing can be done for him anyway.  He has panic attacks if I try to brush him or cut his nails.  If it is something more serious, the last thing I want to do is traumatize him even more with all sorts of blood tests/doctors/xrays/mri's. 
Munchkin is sleeping and I have laundry to fold!


Mommy Tay said...

I feel you 100 % on the cleaning! Lol. Happy New Year!