Dominick took his first wobbly steps 2 weeks ago, and as of today he is officially a walker. He walks EVERYwhere. It is so strange to watch him go. And go. And go. I am so proud of him! He is so adorable wobbling around the house, I scoop him up on a regular basis, just to kiss his adorable little smiling face. Seems so unreal that my itty bitty little munchkin is so independent. He plays by himself almost all the time, I just sit back and cheer him on when he gets the right shapes or finds the right toys or books that I ask for. I love that he is independent, but I am also sort of sad. Sort of, but not really. Every once in a while he will wobble over to me and grab my hand, asking me to walk with him...maybe he knows it's just what I need, because I know he doesn't actually need my hand to get around anymore. It's cute and sweet, whatever the reason. So, if it took him about 2 weeks to go from first steps to walking, does this mean in about that time he will start running? Oh Lord!
So, I've decided to start cooking and baking some more. I think I already mentioned this in my last post. So far I've made lentil soup, cauliflower soup, zucchini pie and banana muffins. Dominick loved everything so far, except the muffins which I made tonight. I am sure he will love these as well, the little monkey! Here's a pic of my banana muffins, cus I didn't think of taking pics of the others!

I will be looking up some more recipes! I can't wait to start experimenting! If you have any good, kid friendly recipes, feel free to message them to me!! Sharing is Caring!! hehe
Ok, I've been cooking and cleaning since 8 pm and now I want to veg for 45 minutes before I hit the hay!
Aw. So sweet when they come grab your hand and want to walk with you. Not that I would know Ethan is nowhere near walking independantly. Haha. I am willing to bet, yes, he will be running soon!
I LOVE baking! Cooking I could take it or leave it, I try, but Im more of a baker. You should pass in the recipe for you banana crumb muffins! Oh and a website I love for recipes of any kind is! Great stuff...user submitted, and there are reviews of you can read through a few reviews before you make whatever the recipe is and see if there were things people changed that made the recipe even better. :)
That IS where I got the Banana Crumb Muffin recipe! Ha, I am trying a butternut squash/apple dish in the slow cooker tomorrow! Here's the link to the muffins:
Have any favorite recipes from there??
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