Monday, October 4, 2010

Bagel with Fly Cheese, Please

Winding down my weekend here on the couch with my hubby.  Munchkin upstairs, waking every hour or two.  Poor baby, I think his teeth may finally be coming in.  Although, I've said that a hundred times.  Who knows? It's a guessing game.  We could feel the bumps under his gums on top and he has been gnawing on his fingers like crazy all day.  Hopefully he won't be in too much pain while we're in NY.   I can't believe this time next week we will be there, and probably freezing.  YAY.  

We had a great weekend.  Did some shopping Friday, dinner Friday night with Jenn.  Spent the day with Jenn and her Mama, including yummy Thai food.  Unfortunately Saturday ended on a sour note - on our way home we stopped for Dunkin' Donuts, we both got the pumpkin iced coffees.  We also both got the shakes as a result.  Something about the coffee was definitely bad, but we couldn't figure out what or how.  Oh well, we're fine now.

This morning Jenn and I went to Massage Envy for her birthday and I finally got to redeem my Mother's Day present!  It was awesome!  I've never had a massage like that!  There were times where my mind would be deep in thought about something, then poof, gone.  I was so relaxed I couldn't even complete a thought.  Whereas, normally I am too busy and frantic to complete a thought, haha, I much prefer losing my mind in massage!  Here's where it gets funny.  We went for bagels after our massages and we were just talking, having a good time.  I was in the middle of telling Jenn a story, actually I was in the middle of a sentence when all of a sudden something is stuck in my throat.  As soon as I felt it I realized that I just SAW a bug fly into my mouth!  It all happened so fast that I stopped mid word, jaw dropped, contemplating if that had actually just happened and if it had-would the bug proceed to the exit as swiftly as he entered? I waited, replaying his last flight over and over in my mind, still in shock.  When I realized that I had a tickle in my throat that was not from my bagel I began to cough, hoping it would come up and out.  No such luck.  All the while Jenn is looking at me wondering if I even realized what she just witnessed.  OK, so, now that we all know a bug just flew into my mouth.  No, not into my mouth - down my throat.  He did not pass go and did not collect $200.  He went straight down.  Now What?  do I swallow what's in my mouth? Take a drink?  I was so unnerved and stunned.  Finally, I had to swallow and take a few swigs of iced tea.  That's when I asked her what kind of bug it was, I saw it, but just faintly, just enough to confirm what happened.  Apparently it was a fly, and a big one at that.  GREAT.  Now I need to run out of the place and vomit.  Except when I get out there there is a dude watching me, so I don't.  OMG.  I just ate a fly.  I am still mortified!!  As gross as it was, it was also one of, if not the funniest thing that has ever happened to me.  I laughed and got grossed out about it for the rest of the day.  I guess it was a "had to be there" kinda moment?  The story would have been a lot shorter and a heck of a lot funnier if I told it about 3 hours ago.  Instead I am telling it now at midnight and I am beyond exhausted. 

Monkey is up, again!