Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blahberry Muffin

Update: Blueberry Muffins were a fail. :(  They were ok for a bite or two but the blueberries just ended up in a sludgey puddle at the bottom of each muffin.  It was not very appetizing to look at.  I wonder if I put too many, or if I tweaked the recipe too much.  Oh well, I will try again another time.  I had to make it up to myself and the munchkin, so I made a new batch of the Banana Muffins.  So yummy!

Anyway, other than the muffin fail I have been keeping myself busy by trying to keep up with the little man.  I try to get out of the house every day with him, whether it's to shop or go to the park or at the very least for a walk to the small playground around the corner.  The weather here in AZ is absolutely perfect right now.  mid to high 70's, breezy.  When the sun goes down there is just the right about of chill.  I love it!  I have to soak it all up now before it gets too hot to even leave the house, except to go in the pool, of course.  Ugh, the pool.  I am curious to see how this summer will be with my little maniac in the water.  If the bathtub is any indication of how he will be in the pool, I am in for it!  It will be fun ... and nerve wracking, I'm sure.

Ok, time to brag about my munchkin.  I wonder if every baby is as smart as Dominick, or if I just haven't spent enough time around babies.  He totally amazes me with the things he does! Here are a couple examples.
While a friend of ours was watching him, she gave him a few stackable measuring cups to play with.  He sat and examined them carefully.  Then he took them apart and put them together exactly how they were supposed to go.  On the first try! ha, Ok, maybe that's not totally amazing....but, the other day while we were playing I was sitting on our loveseat, which is raised higher than the couch, and I put his toy on top of my head to tease him.  He stopped, looked at the toy and walked away.  I didn't think too much of it until he came back carrying his little toy chair.  He set it down next to the loveseat and proceeded to use it as a step stool to get onto the couch!  He reached up and grabbed it off my head as if to say "Did you think that would stop me Mom? C'mon, you can do better than that!" I was floored.  Did he really just do that!? haha,  he's a little pisser.
At a playgroup the other day he was following around the bigger kids and picking up the toys they had discarded, trying to hand them to them, thinking they just dropped them.  So cute.  Of course, they just ignored him, which made me sad.  But, kids will be kids, and Moms will be Moms.

I think I will go have one of those banana muffins now and getting some reading done while he sleeps, then it's off to the library to play!!