Thursday, November 18, 2010

2-fer Thursday!

Yo! It's almost time to go! (aw) But, first, let's go back and remember all the fun things we did today! (yay) Can you help me? Are you ready? Well, let's do it. Break It Down:

First:  We went to see Dominick's doctor to get weighed and ask a few questions about starting whole milk.  He says he is growing wonderfully! He weighs 21 lbs 12 ozs and is a whopping 31.5 ins long!

Then: We had our very first ever grilled cheese sandwich! YAAAY We loved it.  Wait, we pretty much love anything but cauliflower at this point :)

Then: We video chatted with Aunt Jaime, Uncle Mike AND Uncle Eddie!  It was awesome, but still made me sad and jealous that I could not be in NY with all of them.  They were going out to dinner.  Without us.  :'( BooooooooooHoooooooo :'(

Later: We took a nice long walk to the playground!  We climbed up the stairs all by ourselves and slid down the slide with Mama!  We played with the fake steering wheel and played music.  Sadly, I did not get a picture of him going down the corkscrew slide by himself. With Mamas assistance, holding him, of course.  It was hilarious.  Between his face, which was priceless, and the large amounts of static causing his hair to stick straight up.  Fun times! He loved it!

We saw the gorgeous sunset behind the White Tank Mountains

Even Later: Dominick started getting very cranky and upset because his gums were really hurting.  So, to mix things up, I put on his awesome red sweater from Robyn, directly from Ireland and took him in the backyard to look at the stars with Reggie.

Finally: We had dinner (angel hair with garlic, oil and steamed broccoli, butternut squash AND applesauce).  Then we took a much needed tubby and dried off with our favorite monkey towels.  Some advil, orajel and lots of giggles, hugs and kisses to end the night.

Goodnight sweet little boy.  Sweet dreams!
Mama loves you to the moon and stars. And back again  <3