Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lump In My Throat

I've had a lump in my throat all day.  I am feeling totally overwhelmed with the mess that is my house.  I want to cry for any reason under the sun.  PMS much? Sheesh.  I am sitting here in my living room trying not to concentrate on the clutter.  I have absolutely no will to get up and start cleaning at 10:45 pm.  The stupid thing is, if I would have just done it when Dominick went to sleep at 8 pm I'd be done by now.  Instead, I just sat here, for almost 3 hours, doing absolutely nothing but obsess over how stressed the mess is making me.  It's and endless cycle.  Maybe I will wake up tomorrow motivated.  I have to do some cooking in the morning, luckily nothing too major.  Steve will have to go to sleep almost as soon as he gets home from work, which means I will have to clean and cook with the little monkey swinging from the vines.  aaah!  I don't know why I am surprised about this feeling.  It comes every year about this time ~ the holidays.  No matter how happy I am, this time of year always seems to drudge up the little orphan in me.  The little girl who just wants her Mommy.  It almost sickens me that I have the nerve to feel sorry for myself.  I have SO much to be grateful for, my life is literally my dream come true.  Will that little girl in me ever grow up?  I'm the Mommy now, stop sulking and start cleaning!


Mommy Tay said...

Aw. I totally feel you on the no motivation to do it! When Ethan goes to bed all I want to do is relax myself.

I think that little girl who wants her mommy will always be there, and that's ok. I know, you know you are blessed...and once in a while it's ok to feel sorry for yourself. Especially at this time of year! Hugs to you! Hope you feel better tomorrow!