Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Official

My munchkin turned 11 months old yesterday.  I guess I have to surrender to the fact that he WILL turn one year old.  In LESS than a month!  Waaaah.  - Ok, enough whining.

Today we started him on whole milk.  I was a bit nervous, but he guzzled it down!  He drank a whole sippy cup and then came back for more after his nap.  Not even "loose" poops afterward.  He's got a tank tummy!  We are only doing milk with lunch for the first week, then I will gradually start with breakfast, then dinner.  So, the exciting news is I can retire my pump.  Amen and halleluia.  Baba's are also no more.  My itty bitty is now a biggy wiggy.  Ha, corny.  He drinks from a straw sippy cup like a real little boy.  What the heck is going on around here!?

I am working on Dominick's birthday card to send into Sprout TV.   I am so excited about this.  I really hope it comes out as cute as I envision it. I need to sort through my gazillion pictures and pick out a few of my faves to put in the card.  I am hoping Jenn can help me put it together on Thursday.  We will be going next door for Thanksgiving.  I remember last Thanksgiving like it were yesterday.  It literally feels like it could have been last week that I had my little monkey in my belly and I was waiting anxiously to meet him.  Now he is here and he is the MOST amazing person I have ever met!

So much to do this week.  Invitations.  Sprout card.  Post Office.  Thanksgiving!

Ok, Walking Dead time!


kizzyhuz1 said...

How sweet? I am tearing up reading your blog. It is quiet amazing that the first year is almost over. I really wish I would have stop and enjoy it a bit more. IT went by way too fast.